We Are Committed!
Illiteracy is a major drain on the economic and social resources of our county. It contributes to increased welfare rolls, lost industry, increased crime rates, unemployment or underemployment, a perpetual cycle of illiteracy, and fewer people voting and taking part in the democratic process.
Our commitment to improving literacy skills:
Our tutors:
- are men and women 18 years and older
- are volunteers who have the desire to help other adults learn to read or speak English
- have completed our free tutor training workshop to learn the Laubach Method and other techniques for teaching reading and English language skills to adults
Our students:
- are individuals with a desire to improve their lives
- are in need of one-on-one instruction to improve their reading skills or gain English language proficiency
- We match volunteer tutors with adults who want to learn to read or improve their basic reading skills or to learn English for the first time
- We work in partnership with South Piedmont Community College and other adult literacy efforts
- We raise community awareness of literacy issues
- We affiliate with regional, state, and national organizations
How you can help
- Take a seven-hour Basic Skills or ten-hour English-as-a-Second-Language training workshop and volunteer as a tutor. See our Events Calendar for the next tutor training workshop.
- Become a supporting member of the Literacy Council of Union County.
- Invite us to make a presentation at your church, civic, and business meetings.
- Encourage adults with low reading skills or limited English proficiency to seek assistance from the Literacy Council or South Piedmont Community College.
- Accommodate the needs of your employees who are seeking to improve their basic skills or English language proficiency.
- Include basic skills or English language training in your business plan.
- Inform others of the high cost of illiteracy.
- Support quality education in our schools.
Contribute to The Literacy Council of Union County.
- All contributions to The Literacy Council of Union are tax deductible and will ensure that a much-needed program will continue to serve our community.
- To contribute, print this form and mail it to us.