We Teach Adults to Read

We provide free tutoring to adults who live or work in Union County.  Our trained volunteers teach one-on-one and in small groups.  We serve men and women who read at 0-5th grade levels.

  • One-on-One Tutoring
    One-on-One Tutoring is at the core of our programs and provides our adult learners with the focused attention they need to learn to read. This service is available for both ABE (Adult Basic Education) and ESL (English as a Second Language) learners.  Trained volunteer tutors meet with their students at times and places convenient for both.  Students progress at their own pace.
  • Small Group Instruction
    Small Group Instruction (one tutor teaching 2-5 students) allows English as a Second Language learners to focus more on their English communication skills while also improving their reading.  Topics include:  basic language instruction, health, current events, and citizenship.
  • Self-Paced Study in a Computer Lab
    Our Compute to Literacy project gives our students the opportunity to use computer technology to improve their literacy skills. We have a 12-station computer lab as well as six laptops that tutors may check out for offsite tutoring. Our software library includes The Alphabet, Ultimate Phonics, Rosetta Stone, Reading Horizons, and more. Regular self-paced computer use reinforces what our students are learning during their tutoring sessions while also giving them a new life skill.
  • Life Skill Workshops
    We also offer a number of life skill workshops for students, providing a wealth of information on a variety of topics including Financial Literacy, Emergency Preparedness, Employment in the United States, and Citizenship Preparation.
  • Customized Programs
    We also offer convenient work-site tutoring and conversation groups. Call us about your specific needs.